Cycles, oh cyclical cycles.
Round and round it all goes. Round the cycle following nature’s rhythms. Or sometimes, we forget to follow nature’s rhythms. Sometimes we get lost in rhythms and cycles which disserve our connection to ourselves and nature.
So here, in this little written thought evoker, we look at cycles. we reflect on nature’s innate cycles, on human learned cycles, inviting you to look closely at your understanding of cycles, your understanding of beneficial cycles, thoughts into breaking cycles which do not serve your wellbeing.
We all, men and women live within natures natural rhythm collectively and individually. to support each other in love and understandin, it is good to be aware of this.
Our hormones change from week to week or hour to hour causing shifts in our bodies physically, mentally, and emotionally. Similar to how our mother nature has seasonal changes and transformations.
Women are governed by the infradian rhythm (the moon) roughly over a 28 day cycle, going through four different phases within this cycle. Also, as women, we follow not only the infradian rhythm, we follow the daily 24-hour circadian rhythm (the sun).
The circadian rhythm is what regulates the sleep-wake cycle for all living things on earth roughly every 24-hours.
Men and their hormone cycle are goverened by this circadian 24 hour period. Testosterone being high in the morning and low in the evening.
Before western industrialisation and eventually globalisation reaching far and remote, humans tended to live quite closely connected with those rhytms. For example, farmers would rise with the sun and set down the days work with the setting of the sun, seeding and harvesting was, and in some areas still is, cloesly related to the moon cycle. There were celebrations held at each each change of seasons, during the full moon and equinox. All these served to stay connected and in tune with to natures cycle’s and enabled us to follow these cycles in our everyday life.
How cloesly do you pay attention to cycles in your daily life? Are these cycles nature’s cycles seving your wellbeing? We invite you to look and listen closely.
Be assured, we all go through or find ourselves stuck in some form of a cycle we would like to let go off at some stage of our life.
The trick seems to be, to centre back, listen and follow your needs and be with nature, observe her cycles, follow her cycles if you can. Create little rituals to create awareness and slowly a new rhythm will be able to take roots.
For women, follow the moon, listen to your monthly cycle. Deeply listen to what nourishes your body. For men, listen to the moon too, observe her, hold the knowledge that she influences all of us women at any time of our lives.
All, follow the sun’s rhythm, and remember about the moon.
We all must go through different phases in order to grow and although we might resist change, it will happen regardless. If we become in tune within our own eco-system, we can learn to flow more freely with the currents of life.
A flower doesn’t bloom all year long, as we don’t. We work best when we work in sync with our own natural rhythms, just like nature intended.